Ami Cheat's Page - DUNGEON MASTER


To see someone interesting, face the entrance and cast "OH EW RA".


Map - Level 01 Map - Level 02 Map - Level 03 Map - Level 04 Map - Level 05 Map - Level 06 Map - Level 07 Map - Level 08 Map - Level 09 Map - Level 10 Map - Level 11 Map - Level 12 Map - Level 13 Map - Level 14 Map - Spell 1 Map - Spell 2 Map - Spell 3


To advance ninjas, have them stand in the hall and throw weapons. Retrieve the weapons and repeat. Magic users cast spells in the air and fighters slash at the air.


Here are some undocumented spells:

"YA BRO ROS"--Leaves a trail of footprints
"VI BRO"---------------------Shield poison
"DES IR SAR"----------------------Darkness
"FUL BRO NETA"------------Fire ball shield
"OH KATH RA"----------------Lightning bolt
"ZO"----------------------------Open doors
"DES EW"-------------Weakens undead beings

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